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Hand Writing

The Amiens History Association is collecting and sharing the stories of the Soldier Settlers and their families and below you can search our catalogue to see what we have found so far but we know that there are many more stories out there so if you have a connection to a Soldier Settler that you'd like to share with us, please complete the form below. 


If you have photos that you'd like to share with us, please forward them to

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Bentinck 1922.jpg

Select a name and the link will take you to a passport with the details we know to date. If a name is followed by * a more detailed dossier is available by contacting the Amiens History Association or visiting the Amiens Legacy Centre. Please note this is a work in progress and if you have any additional information about any of these or other known Pikedale Soldier Settlers, we would love to hear from you.


Each passport contains a map excerpt. The full Parish and County maps can be found at the Amiens Legacy Centre and from these the locations each lot can be found. However, we ask that if you wish to visit these lots, please respect that they are private property.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z

Bailey W

Baker EC

Baldwin HT

Barker CE

Barker VL

Barrett WF

Bartlett SH

Bartlett VL

Bates WJ

Batstone G

Baxter W

Beard DP

Bebbington S

Becker FW

Bedford RE

Beerling F

Bell WH

Bent D

Bentick FW

Berrie GW

Billington J

Binnie WH

Birch JJ

Bishop P

Bloxham HW

Boatfield WT

Bolton F

Borrows F

Boulton, F

Bourke C

Bourke W

Bourke WD

Bowker CH

Boyd R

Bray LR

Briggs T

Britt JE

Brooks D

Brosnan P

Brown H

Brown JS

Brown RP

Brown SP

Brown TE

Brown WJ

Browne FR

Browne WM

Brunkhorst GE

Buckley CH

Bull F

Bunting AG

Burns TF

Butler H

Butler SH

Butt J

Byng C

Byrnes RE

Byrnes RJ


Chanter PW

Charles HH

Chew JH *

Childs DD *

Chister CN

Christensen T

Clancy CJ

Clark CE *

Clarke GG

Clifford HF

Cline W *

Coe EW

Cooper WE

Couchman CW

Cousin WG

Cousins JW *

Coverdale RW *

Cowie W

Cronin J *

Curtain TL 


D'Arcy NB *

Dawkes H *

Deans CM

Denny RJ

Devereaux AP *

Dewsbury FJ 

Dewsbury JS

Dewsbury WA *

Distant J *

Doherty JT *

Dolan PF

Doolan MJ

Douglas P

Douglas WA *

Downie A

Downs J

Doyle CJ *

Drill RA

Dummond P

Duckworth F

Dunkerton HM

Dunlea J

Dunn FC

Dunne AR

Dunne C

Dutton G


Edwards HJ *

Elliott RA

Evans G (George)

Evans G (Gordon) *


Fairleigh E

Fairon H

Fearnside FH

Fedorovich N

Fenner JA

Ferguson CG

Field H

Finken G

Finlay AR

Fitzgerald H *

Fletcher A

Flitcroft WD

Flood TW

Flynn  J

Foley AA *

Forbes PH

Forshaw R *

Foster W

Fowler JL

Fredblad H

Fumpson J


Gadsby EA *

Galloway EG

Gannon H

Gannon JT *

Gannon V

Gardiner TW

Gent-Diver JC

Gibbs HA

Gill J

Gillan AW

Gillis G

Girtler A

Gleeson E

Glue CE

Goff AQ

Goodall JE

Gordon A

Gordon GT

Gore S

Gorman T

Gosper CW

Graham GR

Graham J

Grant J

Gray G

Gray R (Reginald)

Gray R (Robert)

Green J

Greener M

Groom JM

Gunn KV

Guy EO


Harlow EE

Harris WM

Harslett JR *

Harvey HK

Hay HF

Hay HW

Healey RR

Heaney RJ

Herron T

Hewett E

Hewitt FR

Hewitt H *

Higgins FJ

Hill EH

Hill JB

Hoath GF

Hodgson BF

Hooper N

Horn FJ

Houston J

Howat N

Howlett DJ

Howlett FW

Hubbard AJ

Hughes AE

Hughes B

Hughes CM

Hughes CW

Hughes SH

Hughes WW

Hunter HS

Hyne J


Innes WW


James BG

James J

Jamieson CF

Jamieson GC

Jarman J

Jenkins E *

Jensen J

Jessen CW

Johansson PJ

Johnston AW

Johnston EE

Jolly J

Jones AL

Jones C

Jones GE

Jones HC


Kendall OF

Kerr R

Kimber JL

King HA

King J

King J (John)

Kinghome W

Kirk W

Kirkup FJ

Kostin J *


Lamb E *

Lancaster FW *

Lancaster J

Laney CJW

Larder T

Larkins C

Lee A

Lidgate P

Lister G

Little EH

Little EM

Little JR

Littlejohn G

Lockhart J

Logan BW

Lomas EE *

Long F

Luggar RAE

Lynam M

Lynam TA


Mackay D

Mackay G

Maclean HC

Mahoney CG

Mahoney WR

Malley FTC

Malley JL

Malpas KH

Mann G

Mann HB

Mann MJ

Manz JF

Marfield H

Marr J

Marrick AJ

Marshall WG

Martin JE

Martin WP

Matheson W

Maxfield H

Maxwell J

McBeth LWR

McCall H

McCarthy CB

McCarthy JK

McCullough WH

McFarlane M

McGrath FC

McGraw F

McGregor I

McKay RM

McKechnie A

McKillop CN

McKim WC

McKinnon GE

McLeod J

McMahon HJ

McMahon JL

McPherson NW

McRae G

Meads GF

Meenah FJ

Meikle J

Meneely HC

Merchant EW

Metcalf WS

Middleton H

Middleton JM

Mitchell SA

Mitchell WF

Monckton CF

Monk FE

Moore J

Morley P

Mowatt N

Mullan CG

Munn CE

Munnings TL *

Munson WA *

Murray CH

Murton AS


Newton FG

Neilsen AT

Nightingale F

Noble F

Norman WH

Nugent M


O’Connor NH

O’Keefe E

O’Keefe T

Oakley D

Oates AE

Oberhardt J

Oliphant R


Pacey AE*

Packman AE

Padmore F

Page SE

Palmer WH*

Parfitt F

​Parry RE

Paskins EJ*

Paterson W

Pearson J

Percy N

Peterson GA

Petersen HN

Pigram FS

Pigram HJ

Pike ES

Pimm A

Pimm J

Pimm W

Poole T*

Pope SE

Porter JM

Potter TJ

Pratt ERV

Preston A

Price RF*

Prosser D


Reay JA

Reid JE

Reid S

Reynolds HC

Richardson AM

Richardson NW

Richer AR

Richer FG

Ridout TF

Ries C

Ritson J

Roakes RJ

Robertson A

Robertson OC

Robertson R

Robinson AH

Robinson DO

Rock WF

Rolston J*

Ross DJ

Rostron H

Rowland NP

Rudezky J

Ruscoe W

Russell CW


Sadler JA

Salmon CJ

Schells AH

Schemalleck GH

Schmidt G

Seeley RJ

Shearer F

Shearer SA

Sheldon FC

Sheraton RW

​Sikes AB

Silvester AG

Sims AE

Sims HA

Sinclair WL

Single A

Sinkins HS

Skilton D&A

Skilton EC

Skilton J&EG

Skinner CW

Slader AE

Smail W

Smith A

Smith CJ

Smith CO

Smith HD

Smith RJ

Smith S

Smith TH

Smithers WT

Snow EE

Sorenson JA

Sparrow CC

Spiers EA

Stanton WJ

Steine WE

Stevens JH

Stevens VE

Stewart DH

Stewart T

Stiles RE

Stinson GH

Stirling B

Stirling JH

Streader W

Suell H

Suttie W*

Swan DT

Swaysland E

Symes AE


Tacey A

Tatem PW

Taylor CA

Thompson RA

Thorpe F

Torrance JC




Vise B


Wackett WL

Wailes E

Waldeck RM

Walker G

Wallace J

Wallace JG

Wallace T

Waller JS

Wantling I

Ward CH

Wardill RN

Warrell R

Warren FJ

Warren J

Waterson WR

Watts LA

Way J

Weir GE

West AH

West HG

White R

Widdop PP

Williams C

Williams E

Williams F

Williams JJ

Williams VH

Williamson JD

Wilson AE

Winter JE

Wollacott JH

Woodhouse ES

Wren WH

Wylie J




Yarra AE

Yates CB

Yeates DHC



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